Legal Notice

Information about Paris Attitude

PARIS ATTITUDE is a SAS company under sole ownership and specialising in the temporary letting of furnished property in PARIS.

Postal address and registered office: 21 rue Vauvenargues 75018 PARIS FRANCE
Telephone no.: +33 (0)1 42 96 31 46
email address:

RCS [Register of Commerce Companies] of Paris : B 439 328 410
Siret [Business ID no.]: 439 328 410 000 48
APE : 6831Z
VAT: FR70439328410
Share Capital: 60,000 Euro

Manager: Frédéric LECOQ
Holders of real-estate brokers and agents holding card of transaction no. CPI 7501 2017 000 021 874 issued by the Paris Police Headquarters (Préfecture).
Professional Liability Insurance under the no. LEGI01234 and Professional Guarantees under no. LEGAI01294, both underwritten by SEGAP LLOYD’S 8-10 rue Lamennais – 75008 Paris:
for a sum of €110,000 for the "business asset and building transaction" activity
for a sum of €2,900,000 for the "property management" activity

Registered as an Insurance Broker with the French register of insurance intermediaries ORIAS under the number 13009631 in the category "with a premium income" receiving a contract of professional liability insurance and a financial collateral arrangement established for this purpose.

Director of publication : Frédéric Lecoq
The website is the property of Frédéric Lecoq

The website is hosted by : Unikloud( Capital of €10,000 - Siret no. 81173173600021 – APE 6311Z - Registered office: 511 Route de la Seds, 13127 Vitrolles (France)

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